Digital silver
Friday, April 15, 2011
I've created a new web site
When I ran across this web creation tool, and saw how easy a website is to create through their interface, I immediately started fooling around. You need to understand, the "ease-of-use" factor for web site creation definitely isn't lost on me. I use to work for a web creation sweat shop. They would have us crank out websites for people they'd sell the idea to at these big convention type events. Then we'd consult with them, and create the UI and other content for them. We used Dreamweaver, and Fireworks to get the basic website created for them. These tools made it pretty simple to create web content. But we'd still need to know enough HTML to be able to fix things that these programs would often times mess up.
Anyway, I keep dragging this explanation on... To put it short, I'm stoked about this tool. Check my site out, and you'll see a link at the bottom to the main site where I setup and created this from. It's called
Enjoy the photos.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
It's been a little while since I've posted. It can be somewhat of a pain to try and determine what's important enough or worth putting up here. So I'm not overthinking things this time, and I'm just going to keep it simple.
Here are some pictures of various "bugs" that I've taken over the last couple years. I'm always fascinated by insects and how robotic they seem. They're natures little machines, helping to accomplish the miniature tasks of decomposition, pollination, and bugging us, hehe. I'm sure there's many other beneficial things they do, like taking care of pest insects, like Ladybugs do.
Anyways, enjoy.
Butterflies are a little rare around our neighborhood. But the vegetation is maturing and we're seeing more all the time.
This guy was camoflauged pretty well, and hard to spot.
This isn't a very good shot, but I had to represent the ants. My son and I speculated on how many ants there must be in the world, and I think our calculations turned out to be
like a bazillion - gillion or something like that.
like a bazillion - gillion or something like that.
This was a ghostly looking moth hanging out near the pool with us.
That was a fun Moab trip.
That was a fun Moab trip.

Another b-fly, as I like to refer to them in the short-hand style.
This little gal was really unique and bizzare looking. Some type of moth, that I've yet to look up, but amazing.
(all of these pics were taken at, near, or around our house unless I've stated otherwise.)
(all of these pics were taken at, near, or around our house unless I've stated otherwise.)

Here she is a moment later spinning it around to get a better bite. Youch!!
Well, you can be pretty sure that there'll be another bug posting in the future, as I'm always looking to get macro shots of these weird alien creatures. Hope you enjoyed.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Best Camera... iPhone App
A friend at work (yeah you Stuart) showed me this iPhone app that is pretty cool, called The Best Camera (click the link to get to the app).
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
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